Saturday, January 18, 2003

im seemingly stuck in the middle... of being a man and being a boy.
im starting to aquire more and more responsibilities while at the same time tryna lose the childish mentality... kind of an interesting transition considering i go back and forth several times, sometimes within the same day. im not really in a rush to grow up, yet at the same time i want to... i think its just the curiousity. where is God leading me within the next couple years? intriguing...

oh well, anyways here's a love song for you.

If you were a newspaper, then I would be your ink/
If you were a piece of doo doo, then I would be your stink/
We go together like Abotto and Costello/
Bill Cosby and Jell-o.. peeing, and yellow/
If you were a face, and love was a fight/
Then I would rearrange you, oh yes I just might/
Lady you look luscious let me lick you like a dum dum/
Just let me get to know you, and show you where I come from/
I pump you like diesel, pop you like a weasel (Vanilla Ice)/
I would be acryllics, and you would be my easel (Let's paint each other up)/
I'm a remote control and you're my favorite channel (channel 10)/
Girl I dig you like a mole I want to hump you like a camel/
And then commence to suckin out all your tooth enamel/
-Love Poetry, Mountain Brothers

ok? ok.