Thursday, April 04, 2002

Today¡¯s update:
Brisca, Irene, and I visited annendale VA¡¦ aka korea town¡¦ had some good Korean food.. jajangmyun for 4 bucks¡¦ some fun karaoke, and just chilling¡¦
That¡¯s it for the news¡¦

Now the first memoir entry

9th grade in a nutshell:

I came in riding high from 8th grade. Eighth grade was a breeze and a blast for me, so although I was walking into the school as a mere freshman I wasn¡¯t scared at all. Also, luckily for me, my school wasn¡¯t huge on class spirit or nething, so there was no real bashing on the freshman¡¦ or hazing or nething like that. We were just integrated into the student body almost seamlessly. The other thing was that, there were no other feeder middle schools into my school, so I didn¡¯t really have to get to know all these new people or go through the hassle of finding friends. However my social network still changed.

My closest friends that year were probably David Hoang, this viet/Chinese kid, and Omar Rocha¡¦ haha big omar¡¦ he was this huge Spanish kid, but he was a great guy. I remember once he wanted to talk about discipleship with me, he was a hardcore Christian, but unfortunately I wasn¡¯t at that stage where I felt ready to talk so I kinda brushed it aside. I remember surviving that yr mostly offa david. Man I was such a leech but this guy was so friggn generous. He always offered to pay for lunch and never asked to be payed back. He¡¯s still like this to this day, although we aren¡¯t nearly as close as we were before.

At this time I also had a different look to me then I do now. By this time I was already the chubby short asian kid you all know me to be today, only I had just gotten contacts the yr before and at this point I still had my retarded, longer banged, tryna be some sort of uber-asian, type of haircut. You know, the type split right down the middle and the bangs came down by my mouth cuz it was the cool asian/H.O.T. generation thing to do. What a fool I was for doing that heh. I also ahd braces for most of the yr until later on when I got em off towards the end of freshman yr.

I remember the thing about my school was the sheer number of asian people. My school is no Wooton HS, (which is almost 30% asian I believe), but it sure does have a lot. Infact, I think it has the second highest rate in the county. All the ¡°cool¡± Asians sat in the cafeteria, and I remember wanting to be like them. Baggy pants and all. Also I remember some of the guys just looking so friggn big and hardcore. I never really got to know any of them though. I guess I just wasn¡¯t meant to be friends with most of them in the first place. I just remember my friend Han. He was a pretty big guy, and he tried to get me to go to Homecoming with some FOB girl that I hadn¡¯t even met b4. He was a pretty cool guy, just horrible in returning stuff to you if you lent it to him. He moved away after that yr with like three of my cd¡¯s and I believe 20 bucks I lent him. Anyhow he introduced me to some of the older asian kids at my school. The only one I can remember clearly is this girl Ruth. She was really nice to me and I guess if I had gotten to have known her better I would have probably called her nuna and stuff. She was also pretty cute. But she graduated that year and I never saw her again. Actually I think I see her around Montgomery College sometimes, but im not sure its her. So I guess its more accurate to say I never talked to her again after that year.

I have more stories¡¦ I¡¯ll continue freshman yr over the next several entires, or until I run out of stories.