Sunday, April 14, 2002

im sorry guys, im too lazy to think back today.... maybe tomorrow ill post a memoir... as for right now it'll just be current news

this week i went to the zoo with alisha and vicky... that was fun.... funny too haha, all we did was make fun of one another, but im really thankful they came to keep me company, that was very sweet of them

saturday i couldnt even go to church, i had to do a project with a group and we worked on it for like 4 hours... we seriously underestimated the time we needed...
anyhow hanging out with my school friends and doing the project... made me realize why im closer to my church friends then i am to my school friends...
for the most part i remained silent while some of them shared their stories of being drunk, high, crazy things they've done on dates, and what not... not to say they are bad people... but i just cant relate to them as they talk about things that they do regularly that i never do.. anyhow afterwards i got to hang out with some of the guys and we played perfect dark and what not... that was fun, i hadnt actualy chilled with them outside of school before... they have always been just in school friends.... and yea the girls... they all went off to hang out with some guy they all sweated

today was just softball, church, the usual sunday experience...

u know. im gonna go off on a tangent right now..... and talk about my philsophy behind dating...

i dont know how to flirt.... i dont know how to pick up a girl... i dont know how to hit on a girl....
and i often joke about it and say i should learn, but in reality i dont think i really want to
the way i see it... i dunno i just dont like the concept of dating b4 a relationship.... the whole going somewhere, and meeting some1 for the first time, finding them attractive and then trying to get them to meet up with you another time and then after a few dates trying to base a relationship on the foundation of a FEW DATES... i dunno it seems pointless to me..... maybe im too idealistically but i believe the best relationships shall spring from a strong friendship.... so many of my friends hook up with people, and it doesnt work out and they never talk to that person again... id rather not lost a potential friend so early on just cuz i found them to be attractive and a relationship didnt work out.... for me, to say im "dating" some1 would mean im already in a relationship with them.... of course its always fun to get to know some1 new and exciting.. but i dont think you can ever learn everything about a person, therefore what can one really learn on a couple dates? the kind of relationship i want is, one where it happens because it was well thought out and prayed for heavily.... i mean sure, there are lots of girls i find to be very attractive... but i wouldnt even dare act on it until i got to be friends with them first... maybe this will change later, but i dont think id start dating some1 unless i thought i really knew who they were... of course lets say in college i meet some girl, and we instantly hit it off... we become very close very fast...... then so be it..... because its not that i dont believe in fate, because i do... and its fine because i didnt TRY to pick up this girl, nor vice versa... hmm i guess to summarize this entire passage of me rambling... when dealing with something as love/relatinoships/friendships.... i dont believe in anything but natural progression.... basically i dont believe in trying to randomly shoot fish in a barrel...... to try and make things happen... it just seems so... so... futile.... not to say it wont work... but perharps the romanticist/idealist side of me has gotten the best of me, but i think the only way is the natural way... untouched and untainted by our puny attempts at trying to find love in this world

k im done for tonite....
pics coming soon (courtesy of irene)