Monday, March 24, 2003

spring break is finally upon me. yay. hahaha.

anyhow i feel good, its monday morning and i usually wouldnt be up, but i am. i may take a nap later though heh, but either way i feel good.
Thank You ^^. However, i need to shower, and drink something... dunno why im wasting time writing all this down instead of doing it. I smell like yesterdays cologne, (im not a fan of 24 hour old cool water scent on me), and im kinda dehydrated. its nice to be home though. family is always comforting heh.

you know, He's really been protecting me, cuz my mind has been going into overdrive yet im not yearning for it. It's still hecka distracting though. I had a dream about everything last night, ive never dreamt about it before.... haha oh well it was an interesting dream to say the last, too bad ive forgotten most of it already... oh well
as hedgi says... "itch oh kaaaaaaaay". ^^