Monday, September 16, 2002

i overslept 3 hours today and missed my first class ever so far this semester... haha *note to self, the "just 5 more minutes of sleep" method doesnt work.*

in general ive noticed, i admire a lot of my older female friends. Sometimes i find myself pondering what if I were just a few years older, would I be really attracted to some of these individuals? Honestly I think i would. I dunno, maybe its just this sense of maturity that surrounds some older girls, where it seems like they dont deal with some of the petty and somewhat rediculous problems that girls my age or younger often complain about. It's like they've outgrown those kind of predicaments and have moved on to focus upon greater, more important things in their lives, like their walks with god for example....

well either way im so blessed to have older sisters in christ like the ones i have now....

and my older brothers... oh man... haha its great to know such a great group of guys got my back at any given moment, and genuinly try to spread the love as much as they possibly can....

im finding that college is truly turning out to be a rewarding experience as long as i walk with god through it