Sunday, April 07, 2002

-no memoir entry today-

not much is going on.... yesterday was movie night at church, the one is a pretty dopey movie haha... eh... stupid jet li should not talk
earlier that day i hung out with one of my nuna's jean, she took me to the GMC bball tourny... god its gotten so big, they have 8 locations running simultaneously and there are even teams from NY and stuff... either way i saw NCFC crush deleware.. then jean took me out to lunch, what a great nuna eh? but i also had to go through watching her get her haircut in some ahjima's blackmarket haircutting operation in her basement hahaha... it was ok tho... i just looked at the cute korean models on those colossal dictionary-sized things koreans call fashion magazines, then i came home, cleaned the house a lil, went back to GMC and saw the most intense game between GMC and NCFC where NCFC came away with the win by ONE POINT in the last 5 seconds.... wow... that was fun... then i went to church and watched a movie as i said above...

the day before..Friday. I had discipleship but then we went out to MT Zion Prebysterian Church for their first coffeehouse/fundraiser. Their band equipment was stolen and they had replaced much of it but they needed 500 dollars for a keyboard. Now this is a fairly small church so getting 500 was no easy task, but by the grace of god a pretty good number of people came and they raied almost 600. Their acts were pretty funny sometimes. As well as impressive. Of all the random things one could do at a coffeehouse these two guys performed drunken tiger and jinusean... haha anyhow kyunghwa nuna blew me away with her singing. man she was really awesome. and that was the evening.

sunday i just had church and softball practice.....

[side comment] this will prob make no sense, but i guess im writing this for my own future reference...
-every one has their own moment, on that day she had hers-

k im out tata!