this post is dedicated to our crah-zy/awesome/quirky/great/inspiring/encouraging/'we-are-so-blessed-to-have-her coordinator, g1.
she doesnt even know that i am writing about her right now, and she has even looked at the screen unaware that i am typing about her as we speak. i'm just very thankful for the person she's been in our church, as well as my own personal life. definately one of the greatest sister-in-christs i have come across. but i think its important we remember that we are human.. including ms jiwon choi. so with that, when we pray for our ministry, our church, our friends, family and maybe even bible study teachers, keep her in your prayers as well. and give her a big hug (if you are a girl) and a warm smile (if you are a guy) when you see her and be sure to wish her luck on your finals, as well as all of your other teachers.
God has truly blessed us.
retreat coming up! get ready!
ps... for some fun, when you see g1, ask her if she can complete the following two sayings...
"desperate times call for desperate measures..."
"fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me"