Friday, September 17, 2004

You are good, all the time.
all the time, You are good.

got a lil nostalgic...

put in an old cd mix simply labeled 'best mix'...

some of the songs make me shudder to think that i once thought they were 'the best'...

but of course there are a few gems in there...

there's your 1jib shinhwa and 1st and 2nd jib HOT, and what not... and yea i admit they did dress funny back then...

but look at groups now a days...

ladies and gentlemen... i introduce to you ... DongBangShinKi

ok i know what you're thinking.. hardcore rock group or something right?
psh... they are a friggn pop boy band. think the backstreet boys only with an image that has gone horribly horribly wrong.

eh, i guess they are talented... but ... *shudders*.. i cant continue

[edit 2]
one of my dongsaengs from richmond is so funny.. HAHAAAAAAAA
if you look to your right you will see a link that says eunice's xanga...
click it... because she and her friends are so funny HAHAHAHA...

here's a preview...
ladies and gentleman, eunice and company. (don't be mad eunice)