Wednesday, May 08, 2002

hey everyone...

i know updates are starting to get few and far in between... but i promise once school is over it'll start to come around more often... its just a lot of things have been going down lately... lots of end of the yr things happening... so yea..... i took my AP Stat exam today... eh... i really cant tell how well i did... im hoping for a 4 ... but a 3 shall do too...... i have ap bio and world coming up soon and im gonna really start heavy review for those tomorrow... today i just chilled after the exam hehe..... didnt feel like using any more brain power.....

prom is coming up..... i got my tux today.... well i ordered it and stuff and ill pick it up right b4 prom which is on the 31st....heh, supposedly i was supposed to lose weight b4 i got my tux... didnt happen... ill try to get a lil more in shape b4 summer... ive just been too darn bz... and when im not bz just too darn lazy... well i guess its time to start practicing the good ol dance moves..... as if i had any...

jiheon and lily...... behave yourselves this saturday night.... dont party too hard now... haha seriously tho i hope you guys have fun...

what's been going on lately? well... i almost didnt qualify to graduate cuz good ol' me didnt turn in enough service hours to be counted but last week i grabbed what i could from my TV crew thing and turned it in so now im eligible to gradute..... how dumb am i eh? if i had turned in all my paperwork i would have had 300+ easily... all good... the number isnt importnat... just my name on that darn high school diploma is....... slowly but surely taking those steps closer to college

i have a new found infatuation with boa...... i really didnt like her in her first album days, but ever since she started touring in japan.. man she grew up...... she's friggn gorgeous, has a pretty darn good voice and can dance like WHOA... if i meet a girl like that in college...... oh man.... id be in heaven... seriously tho. she's so friggn cool now...

hehe im also very happy that Tasha's new album came out... and she has returned to her hip hop roots... and god she's friggn talented... everyone GET THIS ALBUM SOMEHOW.... buy... download.....borrow a friends...... whatever.... its really good

and last but not least... i dl'd a track of lena park and kim jo han singing a whole new world together..... these ppl were made to sing together... its like... what im listening to 24-7 now... lena park is the ish.... too bad she's 26.....

ok i have nothing else to ramble on about...... cyaaaaaaaaa