Thursday, January 27, 2005

This week, I prayed, one time
My phone, it rang, I put You on the other line
And now my thoughts they drift around
My knees remain unacquainted with the ground
Unless my faith is put to the test and I am forced to bow

Although I'm in this flesh it doesn't mean You shouldn't have the best
from me, from me

Even when my eyes are dry
even when my soul is tired
even when my hands are heavy, I will lift them up to You
It's not about how I feel, oh Lord I am here for You
I exist for you

I close my eyes but all I see
Is a background of black, bouncy squiggly lines
And this week's mistakes coming back to mind but
I will lift my voice and make a joyful sound
Forget about me, I only get me down
Although I cannot see it doesn't mean I shouldn't sing to You, to You


You've given me Your life and have held mine together yet I find
Excuses to slouch in my pew

But when glory divine
Is sitting in my very presence, the least that I can do
Is give my all to You, give my all to You


-Even When, Seven Places

i'm trying. i'm really trying.

Monday, January 10, 2005

i'm so uncertain.
i'm scared.
i need to face the music but I think what is holding me back is the fact that i'm not the only one affected. I cant do it again. I just cant. I've wasted so much time, so much money, so much ... everything. I sit here confused, saddened, and hurt. Oh yes, you can probably throw bitter in there too. Jealous as well. I dont know what to do anymore.

How could I have been so foolish? So reckless? Where do I go from here? The past month I've fallen into a deep abyss of blackness. I sit here shaking my head as I type, and all I can think is that I'm looking for the answer to a question I dont even know. I just want to do things right. I'm so tired of... of doing things my way and fooling myself into thinking that it is right. I am eating the very piles of bull i've been putting down for the past i dont know how many years. If i could opt to go to bed and not wake up, sometimes, just sometimes I think i would.

too many things are swirling in my head for me to pinpoint them and figure out what to do. Im not sure if this is a consequence of my recklessness catching up to me or if this is God's way of bringing me to my knees in submission because he knows I cant handle all of this. There are so many questions, grudges, and worries that are taking up my mind that the ONLY time i've found 'peace' is when i sleep and even that is being taken away from me once in a while. It's something I cant ignore for much longer.

right now i feel worthless. a failure.
get this. a true phony. yea.

i hate this.